
Code of Misconduct and Good Beerhavior

Code of Misconduct and Good Beerhavior   We, the members of the Peoria Hash House Harriers, in order to form a more perfect hash, establish enjoyment and ensure kennel tranquility, provide for the common virgin, promote the general happiness and secure the blessings of our GM’s for ourselves and our posterity and posteriors, do ordain and establish this  Code of Misconduct and Good Beerhavior.         Articles of Consensual Buggery and General Mischief I.    What happens at the hash stays at the hash Superman wore glasses for a reason. Before and after the hash, we all live nerd lives.   Under no circumstances shall hash life and nerd life cross without the PRIOR consent of the individuals involved.   Meet a hasher in the nerd world?   Nod/smile, move along, unless you have PRIOR CONSENT to acknowledge them in hash fashion.   Do not OUT your fellow hasher.   Keep hashtags, gifts, and stories p...

LAVS Race Report

L et’s A ll V oluntarily Suffer Or how I somehow survived Vol State                 I’ve never written a race report before, and I’ve never really considered myself in a race before because I’ve never remotely thought that I’d be coming anywhere near a “podium” finish.   I’ve always considered my ultras as “challenge events” where the only two questions I asked myself were “Can I do this” and “If I can do this, just how fast can I do this”?   After trying the Barkley Fall Classic, being introduced to one Lazarus Lake, and eventually crewing for him for four days while he crossed the country on foot; when my wife planted the idea of us doing Vol State into my head, all I asked myself was that first question, “Can I?”   I should have been asking, “Just how much luck am I going to need versus actual skill?” Dumb luck proof number 1: my amazing wife, Mary Sue and her equally amazing friend...